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Angel of Mercy
Angel of Mercy
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A stitcher wrote me requesting an all white bridal angel. I thought it sounded like a great idea and designed an angel in a white satin gown edged in light blue and embroidered with pearls. I made her head turn towards the stitcher, reaching out in a beckoning way. When designing I often listen to CNN and while working on this angel, they announced that the body of dear little Polly Klaas had been found. It crushed me as I'm sure it did anyone with a heart. I gazed at the white angel and sketched a little girl reaching out to her. I showed the sketch to some people on my staff and they started to cry and said I just had to put the child in the design. I made the child in a simple, flowing nightgown without lace or ruffles. Her little arm reaches towards the angel. A portion of the sales of this design will be given to the Polly Klaas Foundation.

Suggested stitching on 32 count Misty Blue Linen. Design area is 16-1/4 x 16-1/4". Stitch count is 260 x 257.

Copyright © Threadneedle Street Ocean Springs, MS